TuEsDaY - Played at the mall, signed up for reading programs (Borders and Barnes and Noble have summer reading programs and the kids earn a free book!), went to our final Daisey Girl Scout activity (we delivered food and other supplies to a food pantry that the girls bought with their cookie money last week). 
wEdNeSdAy - Gabrielle is one month old! I can't believe how fast these last four weeks have gone. I'm a little sad that she's old enough for us to state her age in months not weeks, and soon I'll be figuring Lainey's age in years instead of months. It's going so fast! 
ThUrSdAy - Last day of first grade! Lizzie's growing up too fast too. We celebrated by going to Johnny Rockets with three of her favorite classmates. We also went to the never-ending dress rehearsal for Lizzie's upcoming rehearsal. It was crazy managing everything with all three girls, but we survived and Laina LOVED watching the girls dance. Afterwards we joined some dance friends at . . . Johnny Rockets (ugh). And after that, on the drive home, I found out that my grandfather died.
fRiDaY - "O" day fun with oranges and other sundry things. In the evening Lizzie climbed in Alaina's crib (and piled in a bunch of pillows) to read her stories at night. So cute.
SaTuRdAy - Dance Recital! Four hours long, 64 dance numbers, took up our whole day, but it was so fun to see Liz on stage. The babies did pretty well too. They both slept through most of the second half. Actually, Andrew and I rested our eyes a bit too. After the performance Drew gave some flowers to Lizzie because she did such a great job and some flowers to Alaina (wearing her tutu again, of course) so she wouldn't be jealous of Liz. Also, I booked my flight to Utah for Grandpa Bud's funeral.

Jill, I'm so sorry to hear that your grandfather has died. I hope that you find consolation with your family at the funeral:)
I'm so sorry for your loss Jill. Your girls are all so gorgeous.
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