Thanks to Disney's Give and Get program this year we were all able to earn free tickets to the park (that is, all of us who were of paying age).

We went with this bunch.

We took two strollers. It was definitely one of our better decisions.

Our first ride was the Jungle Cruise. I loved that a ride from my childhood was still around. Actually most of the rides I rode as a grade-
schooler are still around, some with minor changes (for example the Swiss Family Robinson
Tree house is now the Jungle Book themed and
Nemo is starring in the submarine ride). But back to the Jungle Cruise. Liz was
terrified (Laina doesn't look too happy in the picture either now that I look at it). Next we took her on Pirates of the
Caribbean and scared her even more. The
Tikki Hut was more her speed and everything after the Hut went much better.

Instead of a souvenir we let Lizzie get her face painted.

Some of Lizzie's favorites: Peter Pan, Mickey & Minnie's houses, Buzz
Lightyear, and It's a Small World. She and
Alaina both LOVED the Winnie the Pooh ride. We rode it twice which was about all the grown-ups could stand. I loved that our family watched the girls for us while Drew and I went on the
Indianna Jones ride. It felt like a mini date.

We planned to stay late, but the girls were way too tired. By 9
Alaina fell asleep in her stroller. Liz might have as well. They woke up when we boarded the parking bus.

But quickly fell back asleep.

Andrew and I watched the fireworks from the parking lot while the
girlies slept.
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