Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An Outing on the Mall

Last Friday the weather was fabulous and everyone was finally healthy (well, more or less) so we spent the morning at the Washington and WWII monuments. It was a nice break from the chaos of buying a home/moving/life in general with three kids. This girl loves, loves, loves to put on "lipstick" (chapstick). She loves it so much she puts in on her nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin as well as her lips.
She knows it's a letter and she's pretty excited about that.
She just threw her penny into the fountain and . . .
now she wants another coin.
Sad girl causes: Alaina wants "nother money" and Ellie wants to be held.
At times like this Drew always says something like, "Stop taking pictures and help them!"
Below Alaina is playing with her friend, Peter. By the time we left she was nearly soaked from the waist down and her shoes had duck poop on them. Yuck. Needless to say she rode hom in just her diaper.

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