Thursday, May 9, 2013

28 weeks (and a few days)

I've been very lucky with the weather this spring.  It has been so pleasant and temperate, even cool.  Perfect for a prego.  I know I'll have some hot, miserable days/weeks/months between now and July, but in the meantime it's been fabulous.  

Not so fabulous is the difficultly sleeping due to my belly and my mounting anxiety.  Also not cool are the inconsiderate people who feel that pregnancy automatically negates normal social conventions.  If it's not okay for you to touch my stomach or comment on my weight before I'm pregnant, it's not okay now.


Jessica said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear people have said rude things. That's the worst. Sorry also for your anxiety..I know the later stages of pregnancy are difficult for you. Hugs.

Barnespj said...

You are adorable!
