Saturday, December 7, 2013

Williamsburg, Day 2

We started out our second day at the Governor's palace/home/whatever.  
As usual Drew was literally covered in kids.
The main thing the girls seemed to take away from the tour was that the ladies would coordinate their dresses with the wall color.  Lainey wanted to know what color dress everyone would pick: green or blue?
After the house tour we burned a lot of time in the hedge maze.  Mostly Drew and I randomly wandered through while the girls ran from us, the "monsters."  The grownups tired of the game much sooner than the children.
Couldn't help ourselves:
The girls weren't quite big enough to fit "comfortably."
Alaina was usually the last person to leave whatever thing we were looking out.  Turns out she has a really long attention span when it comes to watching basket makers, blacksmiths, weavers, and the like.
Here's one way to get a kid set up for a piggy back ride:

We realized the night we rolled into Williamsburg that Ellie had left her coat at home.  It was reminiscent of the times we have shown up to church only to discover that she left her shoes at home (yeah, times plural--we never learn).  Of course this was way more frustrating because we couldn't just go without her coat like we do with the shoes at church.  So, Drew got to make a late-night run to Walmart's children's section.  Fun times.

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