We had a lot of fun this Halloween season.
Elementary School party: We were excited that the kids could finally dress up at their school (though the event was pretty crowded and Drew and I hope to avoid it next year). Liz participated in the 6th grade wax museum (survivors or victims of the zombie apocalypse) and won second place in her time slot.
We carved a pumpkin with the kids, and by we, I mean Drew. He picked a pretty intricate pattern and I think regretted it pretty soon after starting. It became a two day project. The girls helped on day one. On day two Drew was able to knock it out on his own.
Emma's scrape came from a few days earlier. She tumbled out the front door as we headed to our street's annual Blocktober celebration.
Chili Cook Off & Trunk-or-Treat: Our first year in family costume! I've been wanting to do this for awhile so I was super excited when Drew suggested it last year. We went as Zombie Wizard of Oz. Drew went from refusing to dress up at all one year to ordering expensive specialty contacts for his concert this year.
Cowardly Lion & Tin Man:
The Wicked Witch of the West and her friend:
Dorothy & Glinda (who asked to be a "pretty zombie" with no wounds and lots of glitter):
Scarecrow & Cowardly Lion:
Post trunk-or-treating candy gorging:
Activity Girls haunted house:
Preschool party & costume parade:
Halloween night: block party, then trick or treating.
After about half an hour of trick or treating Lainey announced, "One more house and I'm done!" Then, by way of explaination, she said, "Bees can't carry that much necter and candy is like my necter." So I took the three youngest home while Liz and Drew continued on to more houses/candy.
At home I gave Lainey a pair of scissors so she and Ellie could open up the candy while I put Emmaline to bed. As I left, Lainey said she wouldn't let Ellie have the scissors because of "what happened last time" (Elle cut her hair). And from the other room, I heard Ellie say a matter-a-factly, "Yes, every time I have scissors I will cut my hair." Argh.
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