Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of School

Liz was a little nervous the first day of school.  The night before she had begged me to home school her instead, but she bucked up and went to school and did just fine.  She said that she liked her homeroom teacher, saying "she's a grandma so you know she's nice."  She said that she didn't like her her afternoon teacher.  When I probed her a bit she admitted that her teacher was nice and the only thing she didn't like was that "she teaches Spanish." 
We picked up a new lunchbox and backpack over the summer and smattering of school supplies.  I foolishly thought I could pick up the remaining items while Liz was in class that first day.  Nope, everything was sold out (admittedly I only went to one store).  I emailed the teacher to say I'd get the supplies in by the end of the week and then Liz came home backpack full of said supplies.  According to her teacher I had dropped the supplies off at the front the office and teacher slipped them in Lizzie's desk.  Nope, sorry babe.  Your mom is just not that together and your bag is filled with some random kid's things.

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