Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Liz Moments

Last night Lizzie started freaking out (whimpering and hiding her hands) when I clipped her nails so I tried to get her to focus on other things. I told her to close her eyes and imagine that the clipping noises were something else.

She said, "It's the sound of a person walking. He's a bad guy and he's going to hurt me."

So I said, "How about it's the sound of someone clipping their rose bushes."

Liz returned with, "Yeah, it's a bad guy and he's going to hurt me."

Dramatic much? Other Lizzie moments of late:

This morning Lizzie wanted to wear last night's butterfly face paint to school. I wanted her to wash it off. She compromised by wiping off the bottom half of the butterfly. I'm half expecting a call or note from the teacher.

On a recent homework sheet Lizzie wrote "I liked reading the Book of Mormon because it's true." Ahhhh. I totally put it in her save-until-she's-a-grown-up bin.

I finally did Lizzie's birthday interview. The main change has been in her toy preferences. Barbie and American Girl have eclipsed My Little Pony. I also asked her if she could have any other name what would she pick. She said, "Nothing. I like the name Elizabeth. If I had another name I would change it to Elizabeth."

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