Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Years Eve

We spent December 31rst at Liberty Mountain's second annual New Year's Eve Party.  The kids loved it.  A hotel room, a magic show, balloon artist, games, and dancing--they appreciated it all.  Plus, this year we had our friends, the Pomeroys, join us which made it even more fun.

I have a no-jumping-on-the-beds-or-couches rule at home.  I always tell my kids "we only jump on beds at hotels."  So, pretty much as soon as we entered our room the Liz was asking to jump, saying "mommy, you said we're only allowed to jump on beds at hotels so can I jump?"  It was a little embarrassing for me that she was said this in front of the front desk clerk that was delivering our porta crib.

We jumped and watched t.v. till Drew finished off his shift, then we headed to the party.  The next picture is from the magic show (same guy and act as last year, but the girls still loved it).
I think Lainey liked petting the magician's bunny (named Prop) more than the show itself.

Andrew just loved this game.

My friend, Sharon.
I caught Liz mid "whoo-hoo" in the dance train.
All the girls loved dancing.  The magic show that we watch ended at 10 p.m.  Lainey and Ellie were sleepily lolling in our arms, but as soon as the music came Ellie jumped up to dance (notice Lainey pouting in the background because I'm filming Gabrielle instead of holding Alaina).

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