Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fun stuff the girls have said to me lately:

(above picture by Danelle Empey)

Lainey looking at my wonton soup: "Is that pee?"

When I told Lainey that I was going to the bathroom and that she could talk to me when I got back: "I can talk at the door and you can still hear me."

Lainey every night: "Good night, dream tight."

When I asked Lainey what she's afraid of (for her preschool registration form): "Hmmm, getting taped to the wall. . . . And bats." (I just put down dogs and bugs.)

Often in the midst of a tussle with her sister, Lainey will call out: "Mom! Ellie says I'm not part of this family!" (When I've heard nothing of the sort from Ellie.)

When I can tell that she needs to go to the bathroom: "I'm just cold." (Liz used to say: "I just like to wiggle.")

When we tell Ellie that we love her: "No!  Jesus loves me!  You no love me!  Only Jesus loves me!"

Also when we ask Ellie her full name: "Ellie Gabrielle Ellie" She absolutely refuses to acknowledge that her last name is Nielson

Lainey, when we ran low on milk: "When is a cow going to pee out some more milk for us?" 

After an interview with her piano teacher Liz reported: "She had to face a Styrofoam too." Turns out she meant stereotype.


Michelle Earnest said...

These are hilarious! You are so good to write them down to remember.

ivyjeanne said...

All were hilarious but my favorite was probably Ellie not saying her real name and Lainey about the cow pee. I'm so glad you remember and record these!

Jessica said...

I'm so happy you documented these little gems because they are forgotten so easily.
