In an effort to spend less money this year I decided to forgo Cox farms (that, and I didn't want to tackle it with an infant and two preschoolers). Instead, went to Nalls nursery where we played in the tunnels, perused the pumpkins, and I insisted the kids sit for a few pictures.
Liz was pretty easy to get a shot of (even though she almost always refused to show her teeth). A photo of Lainey would probably have been easy too if Ellie hadn't been tugging on her braid.
Incidentally, Lainey and Ellie were in costumes (bee and lady bug) because it was dress up day at Music Makers that morning. Emma was in her second costume of the day having spit up and slobbered all over her fairy dress.
The girls thought this fountain was "pretty" and asked to have the pictures taken in front of it. Um, okay.
As with other visits to Nalls we bought some apple cider and drank it from the jug moonshine-style. Also, as with other visits we purchased a pumpkin, but this was the first time we ever carved it. Monday night was the first time we have ever carved a pumpkin with our kids (normally we paint them because it's easier).
Liz took some pictures as well:
She got shots of Alaina and Gabrielle "by the flowers because they are dressed like bugs."