Sunday, October 27, 2013

Busy Weekends: parties, games, & other entertainments

Last weekend was pretty busy.  Well, just Saturday really: soccer game, soccer class, two birthday parties (one turned out to be a false alarm b/c I misread the invite but I prepped the kids before I realized), a primary program practice, a house guest, and an evening showing of our Saturday's Warrior.

This weekend was more chill.  Friday night we enjoyed a "Blocktober Fest" with our neighbors (love my street).  Saturday, Lainey went to her last soccer class (Liz had a bye week--hooray).  In the afternoon Liz and I went to the White House Garden tour (hopefully we can do it again in the spring and see more flowers in bloom).  We got back just in time (sorta) for Liz to join her little sisters at a neighborhood birthday party.  Also I made handsoap.  Fun.

It was nice to do something one-on-one with Liz and, happily for everyone involved, Emma slept through my entire absence.
An example of what a press conference set up would look like:
Sasha and Malia's play set (the main difference from my last tour in 2002).  Liz commented that they are so lucky to have there own swing set and I kind of had a sad moment thinking about how we live in an area were we are unable to afford a single family home and a yard and swing set and so on (you know, the things Drew and I grew up with).

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