Sunday, January 10, 2010


So, this evening while the girls were in the tub I was kind of in and out of the bathroom. One of the times I was out I heard Lizzie cry out, "Mommy! We have a problem in here!"

I raced into the bathroom to see Alaina trying to hand Liz one of the multiple clumps of poo floating around the tub. Disgusting.

As I pulled the girls and toys out the tub Liz said, "I am never taking a bath with Alaina again!" I wouldn't blame her. Of course once I cleaned up the poo and washed the tub, Liz happily hopped back in with Laines to be disinfected.
On another note: Alaina is doing much better. She just finished one of her four medications today. She'll probably finish another tomorrow. Another medication she'll continue taking for a couple months as a preventative measure because apparently she's more susceptible to wheezing and other lung crap because she was born a bit early and had RSV last year.

We went to a follow-up appointment at our pediatrician on Friday and he commented that Alaina seemed to be doing well and wanted to know if I thought she seemed to be feeling and acting better. I didn't quite know what to say. The way she was behaving--happy and herself--was exactly how she was behaving on Tuesday morning (the same day she was sick enough to be checked into the hospital).


Ward Family said...

The floating poop happened at our house for the first time last week. SO GROSS! Ezra just kept saying "yucky mama". Glad Alaina is doing better!

M & J Bowerbank said...

Yuck. But oh so funny. Poor Lizzy! Hope Alaina keeps getting better.

Codi said...

I've always thought that RSV had something to do with how often Willa is sick. She still seems to catch everything, though she is much better than her first year of life, and Iris rarely even catches a cold.

Good to hear that she is getting better!

Sarah said...

I still remember a baby shower I attended where the mother to be was given a little baby robe and booties. On the baby robe was a picture of Winnie the Pooh with the saying, "Rubba dub dub, pooh is in the tub". Everyone got a good chuckle out of that....because yes, pooh does sometimes get in the tub. :)

Sarah said...

Oh yes, and Congrats! on the news of being pregnant. How are you feeling?

rachael said...

Don't you LOVE the floating poop?? I think every family has one.

I am so glad to hear that Alaina is doing better. She's too darn cute to be sick.
