Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Name Game

I have finished reading our most recent baby name book. Drew has not. I shared my tentative list today and he vetoed more than half of it. Some of the casualties:

Adele, Bronte, Camille, Delilah (thanks to bad biblical connotation), Gavrielle, Isaura, Josephine ("I'm not going to name my girl Josephine, it doesn't matter how many times you put it on the list."), Kamilah, Larissa, Malina, Margaret ("absolutely no"), Marisa, Nina, Odessa, Phaedra, Rabiah (Arabic for spring which is when our baby will be born - Drew didn't care), Roxanne/a (no, thanks to Sting's song about a hooker), Sabine, Sadira, Scarlett, Simone, Talia, Tamar, Tanis, Teresa, Yvette, Zahara, & Zoe.

In addition, Andrew doesn't seem to like boy names for girls so he cut: Brice (I've always loved this for a girl's name), Devin, Kendall, Quincy, Quinn, Reese, Romney, Tamsin, Tate.

We pretty much both agreed to nix any names that both started and ended in A because they would be too similar to Alaina, so goodbye to: Amara, Anna & Ava, though we are keeping Amelia & Anastasia because we aren't ready to part with them yet.

Also nixed are versions of Elizabeth: Liesel & Lisette.

Liz liked the name Beatrice, but no thanks (and your welcome Future Baby).


Wendi said...

so what's left?

Jessica said...

Oh the name game! I like Quinn for a girl! I like A names a lot--Ainsley and Ashby. I can't wait to discuss more! Men are great with the veto.

Chanda said...

I LOVED discussing baby names and Morgan HATED it. So I feel your pain Jill. And Drew, Morgan feels yours.

Carrie said...

No offense, Jill, but I would have to agree with Andrew about the "casualty" name list. When Wayne and I were going through the name list with our kids, there was always someone we knew with a certain name that usually gave it a bad feeling. I'm sure you'll come up with a beautiful name like your first two girls.
