decorated for the holidays. New this year: wrapping paper on our bedroom doors, and a paper chain and hand-painted nutcracker, both done by Liz. It's funny to me now to think how particular I was about my tree decor in the
beginning. I was actually anti-kid-made ornaments until my own cute kid started bringing them home.

We saw the
holiday lights at the DC temple. It was crazy crowded.
Alaina wore Lizzie's old
holiday dress. It was so fun to see her in it. Liz, on the other hand, didn't get an official holiday dress this year.
We made
traditional sugar cookies. Hearts are "traditional" right?
I attended the second annual ladies "
Ugly Sweater Party" and white elephant gift exchange where I won second place thanks to my built-in collar.

Drew took Liz
skiing a couple times. Notice the snazzy new ski coat that daddy just
had to buy his little girl. New this year: Liz held on to Drew's poles and skied on the side of him (instead of in front, leaning back on his legs). She still likes to go fast and is not a big fan of snowplowing on her own.

We wore
Alaina out holiday
shopping (check out the stylish metallic shoes from great aunt Margaret).

We watched
Santa arrive in Old Town by Fire boat.

The girls and I braved the weather to see Andrew's two
bell choir performances (but oops, no pictures of Drew).

We made and delivered
holiday treats. Actually we only delivered about half of them and then we got lazy, opened all the packages, piled the remaining chocolates on a plate and took them with us to a holiday party.
Things I intended to do but never got around to: National tree, drive-thru light display, give gifts to Lizzie's teachers and friends.
Things we did, but did not photograph: Christmas gift to Toys for Tots in memory of Jake, Christmas cards, and for Lizzie, the dreaded thank you notes.
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