Friday, April 13, 2012

I  haven't been blogging lately because of the stack of books on CD and Classics of American Literature DVDs (a series of lectures from a Brown University professor) next to my computer.  I love 'em all!  Every time I sit down at the computer to blog (or check email or google something) I can't resist listening to one of them instead (and that's not to mention the books that also distracted me).  This past month has been a total book worm nerd fest.  I read/listened to eight seven or so books and plowed through 14 DVD's of lectures.  Needless to say, I've let some things slide so I could indulge in literature.  Ahhh, books.  Still, we've had a fun, eventful month even if I haven't recorded any of it till now.  First off, my adorable little sister, Julie, had a baby girl!  It's her third baby, first girl and little Hazel made a big debut weighing in at 10 pounds, 10 ounces!  It just makes my heart ache that I probably won't meet her till next summer at the family reunion when she'll be over a year old (same thing has happened with many of my recent nieces and nephews).
In other news, Lizzie has started up her spring soccer.  It's her third season with this team and she seems to be enjoying it.  No pictures of her though, because I'm busy watching the little kids at the nearby playground during her bi-weekly practices.  She's been pretty busy lately with play practice (also bi-weekly), pottery (this gobbles up my time too), piano, and Girl Scouts.  I'm so glad we are almost done delivering those darn cookies.  I'm also glad Liz is so patient with her sisters during piano practice because when she's playing they hover nearby, dancing, singing, or trying to play along with her.
I tried to toilet train Alaina.  It went so poorly that I haven't tried again since (but we did get lots of Lego time).  Now I'm thinking I'll just wait a bit and train Alaina and Ellie at the same time.  Pray for me.
 We've enjoyed some excursions and some friend time and I'm finally doing some playdates for little Ellie with kids her age.  Poor third child .  .  . 
We survived another dental check-up and Alaina absolutely amazed me with her compliance.  Having Laines go first seemed to make all the difference.
We attended (and immensely enjoyed) our friend Celia's go-kart birthday party.  I haven't been on these things since I was a teenager so it was pretty exciting (and a little bit nostalgic of my early dating years).
Alaina finished up her dance class and started swim class.
We also experienced:  the lovely cherry blossoms, bluebells in bloom, a spring break trip to visit my parents, Easter, a visit from one of my brothers, and Lizzie's play practices and performance, but more on those later.  .  .  .  In the meantime check out this sweet sister time:

1 comment:

Morgan said...

can you tell me the name of the lecture series? I'm desperate for something to read/listen to.
