Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Zoo with Cousins

Right before spring break we enjoyed a visit from my brother, Rob.  He was in town for business and brought his family along.  It was so fun!  My two youngest girls match up really well with his two boys: Alaina & Logan are only six weeks apart, while Bridger and Ellie are just three months apart.  We swam in their hotel pool, had them over for dinner, celebrated my SIL Lisa's birthday, and met up at the zoo.

Ellie & Bridger sharing a snack:
Logan and Alaina spent a lot of time examining these turtles and dividing them up amongst themselves:
The kids particularly enjoyed the play areas:
Group photo attempts (somehow it never occurred to me to get a shot of the grown-ups):
And then onto the silly faces:
And then, of course, kissing:

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