Friday, April 20, 2012

My b'day

I had a nice birthday this year.  It was pretty laid back which is just what I needed.  Andrew kept asking me what I wanted him to make me for breakfast and I just couldn't think of anything I wanted.  Finally, the night before it dawned on me.  I told him that for my birthday breakfast I wanted him to make breakfast for the kids (while I stayed upstairs) and he did it.  Ah, lovely.  It was a weekday so I had to "take care of" the children, but I kind of got around that by letting them watch a bunch of television while I listened to my DVD's of literary lectures.

In the evening we had Lizzie's soccer practice, but after that we went out to dinner and when we got back I was surprised to see a cake, flowers, and balloons waiting for me.  Apparently Andrew had made the cake while I was at soccer with Liz.  Andrew also bought me some shoes and cleaned the main floor the night before so that I wouldn't be bothered by any messes on my special day.  Perfect day, fabulous husband.  The only bummer is that now I have to use my new license with a very unflattering picture (Drew says I have "crazy eyes") instead of my old one in which I am young, tan, and thin. 

1 comment:

M & J Bowerbank said...

Happy birthday Jill! Glad you had a great day!
