Thursday, April 19, 2012

Spring Break with Nana & Papa

The girls and I enjoyed a visit with my parents over spring break. I'd say we spent about half our time in the pool (which was quite wonderful).  Among their favorite pool games: target shooting with plastic cups and water guns, jumping into the pool, attacking Papa, and playing with their mermaids.  Liz especially liked jumping off the waterfall and fiddling around with the pool lights.
We had a few outings: bounce house, museum, aquarium.  Lizzie also managed to get some homework (her spring break packet) done.
We celebrated Easter with spring dresses, church, resurrections rolls, and an egg hunt.  At church I ran into a college roommate that I had lost contact with pretty much as soon as we left Ricks College (yes, I'm that old) so many years ago.  Sadly, these are the best pictures I got of the girls. 

1 comment:

Julie Broadbent said...

What are resurrections rolls
