Thursday, August 16, 2012

Week 8/Last Week

Liz spent most of the week in Drama Camp (9-3, it felt like she was back in school).  Still, she had time to go swimming, have a playdate, and accompany me on a marathon babysitting gig (okay, it was just 6 hours).  Her camp culminated with a Friday night performance about praising God (it was run by a Baptist church).  Liz was super excited that she had lines and she did really well with them.  She only forgot a line once.  I was worried that she would start crying and run off the stage, but she didn't do either (though it looked like she wanted to for a minute).  Afterwards Liz said she would have run off crying if I hadn't told her before the show that she absolutely could not do that (thank goodness). 
Lainey had some highs and lows with toilet training this week.  She was so excited that she finally got to go to childcare at Ikea (because as she says, "I'm in training").  Still, there were lots of accidents and lots of frustration on my part.  Wednesday morning after using the toilet she begged to wear a diaper again, but I wouldn't relent.  Thursday night she announced that she was going to sleep in panties.  We wanted to be supportive so we let her, but she's peed the bed every night since.  I think I've hit my limit and I'll need to find a way to transition her back to at least pull-ups at night without dampening her enthusiasm.
Last Saturday Drew's family headed to the Nielson family reunion.  This is our first year not going and we were sad to miss it, but just couldn't work.  Throughout the week preceding it we prepared a slideshow of our little family to show on movie night (home movie/slideshow night is new this year).  We also filmed some of our talents so we could participate in the talent show.  Liz wanted to do a silly skit with me, but we also filmed her playing the piano while Lainey danced to the music.  The Nielson reunion trips happen every two years so the last time Drew's family saw my kids Ellie was two months old and they won't see her again until she's four.  Nana, you can check out the videos here.
While Liz was in camp I tried to do some fun stuff with the little girls.  We played at Barnes & Nobel and Chuck E Cheese, we painted (Lainey painted paper, Ellie painted the table and her body), we went to Lainey's gymnastics class, we attended a Justin Roberts kiddie rock concert at Wolf Trap.  We really enjoyed ourselves and I kind of like that we had a week with no water parks for a change.
Ellie spent most of the time at the OUTDOOR concert cleaning off the bottom of her shoes and feet with a wet wipe.  She wipe off her shoe, stand up, then examine her shoe and get upset all over again that she saw dirt on it.

"Hold me Mama!"

This week Andrew and I enjoyed seeing Mike Birbiglia at the DC improv.  So, so funny.  I also worked on my upcoming projects: PTA, 4th grade fundraiser, baby shower, the girls birthdays (as soon as I scheduled and paid for Lainey's party at the soft playroom she announced that she wanted to have it at home instead), beach trip, and Activity Girls day camp.  One day I shredded a mountain of papers--filled my entire recycling bin.  Ellie peered into the can and managed to drop a tiny toy in amongst the shreds.  When I was off cleaning up some other mess she tossed half the shredded paper onto the kitchen floor in search of her darn toy.  She found the toy, but lost her binki in the process which was a huge problem at bedtime.  Ahh, children.

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