Thursday, August 15, 2013

Rob & Lisa in town!

We really enjoyed having my brother's family in town for the summer.  The girls liked playing with their cousins, and Drew and I enjoyed visiting with the parents.  Plus, my sister-in-law, Lisa, saved my butt a few times by babysitting the girls during a couple of my weekly non-stress tests and sonograms. She also watched the girls one evening so Drew and I could go out on one last pre-baby date.  We saw one of our favorite comedians, Tom Papa, at the DC Improv. 

While our family was in town we enjoyed multiple dinners together, during one of which the kids found some caterpillars on our hanging plant.  The named them Fluffy (Lainey's bug) and Captain Crunch (Logan's bug).  Liz put the caterpillars in a bug house and watched over them for a couple weeks, cleaning their cages and refreshing their food multiple times a day.  Luckily Rob and Lisa were visiting with the boys while the first butterfly emerged so the kids were able to experience it's release together. 
Rob's boys and my girls played well together (they are born within months of Alaina and Ellie), but we noticed that Gabrielle and Logan (Lainey's age) seemed to particuarly enjoy each other's company.
Other fun things we did with Rob and Lisa's family: cousins slumber party, Yards Park (first time there for us), swimming pool, spray park, National Children's Museum, and Great Waves water park.

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