Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer before baby:

It's been two months since my last blog post for a myriad of reasons: stress, lack of sleep, random distractions.  Towards the end of my pregnancy I entered my crazy, anxious stage where I regularly went to bed at 2 a.m. (sometimes 3 or 4 a.m. actually) and/or woke in the middle of the night and stayed awake for an hour or so counting baby kicks.  I was tired and stressed and just plain worried that the baby wouldn't make it to delivery.

After the birth, I meant to get back to our family record here, but was consumed with the normal newborn distractions and family visits.  Plus, it's hard to type while nursing and it seems that is what I mostly did the first month. 

Anyway, before I get to the birth and subsequent month, here's the pre-baby part of our summer/end of the school year:

The little girls and I enjoyed a couple "field trips" before Lizzie's school finished up (the one pictured below is our visit to the "Play, Work, Build" exhibit at the National Building Museum):
We enjoyed some ice cream:
Since I was at an uncomfortable point in my pregnancy when summer hit we ended up doing a lot of stuff at home.  When the girls really wanted some outdoor time and I wanted to continue with my AC time I sent them out to the deck with play dough, popsicles, and/or our "bean box" (sensory box).  In the shot below they are "painting" the deck and plant stand with water.  I love that it can be just that simple sometimes:
 Drew and I took the two little girls to see the Playseum (Liz was at a playdate):
We tried out the National Children's Museum at the National Harbor.  Turns out there was some bicycle event outside of the museum so we went to that before going in and scored some free bike helmets.  If you notice in the following pictures that my girls are on bouncing around on balls with lollipops in their mouth balls, you won't be at all surprised that until we got these freebies my girls didn't have bike helmets.
Andrew repaired a leak in our foundation.  This meant he got to dig a very deep pit father's day weekend.  Turns out we have a lot of clay in our soil and that's hard to shovel over your head because it sticks to the shovel.  It was a lot of work for Drew, but I'm very glad he did it because it rained for about two weeks straight after he finished the project and we had no flooding.
 The little girls and I enjoyed some more ice cream:
We went to baseball games.  My first game ever in the new stadium was rained out before it ever began:
So the first game I actually saw there was with my family and Drew's coworkers (Liz saw a few more this summer and Drew saw even more):
 We also spent a morning at a local gun show (it was for Drew--the ladies in the family alternated from being bored to completely freaked out), Lizzie and Lainey did a week of VBS, we spent time with my brother's family, and we checked some stuff off of our summer "to do" list such as #3 Make Jewelry and #29 Go to the movies.  And through it all I continued to grow a big, prego belly:

1 comment:

M & J Bowerbank said...

You look so beautiful pregnant! Fun stuff you guys do. Makes me miss DC a bit.
