Sometimes I feel like an idiot at these checkups. I feel like I know my child, but I still find myself saying "I don't know" to too many questions. Does she bang stuff together? No sure, but she does bang on things. Does she respond to her name? Not sure, it could just be the sound of our voices. Does she imitate you? Not sure exactly, but she seems to babble in response.
This time I also had to say no to too many things. Does she crawl? No. Does she pull herself to standing. No. (It's just been this last week that she has even been willing to stand when we hold her up.) Does she scoot or roll to get to things? No (Drew disagrees with my assessment here).
Does she hold a bottle? To play with, but not to drink. She's happy to drink from a bottle or sippy cup if we hold it for her though. She also doesn't try to put food in her mouth. She just plays with the Cheerios and other baby treats and waits for us to pop them in her mouth for her. When I explained all this to the doctor she said, "Oh, she's a princess." Hmmmmm.
Stats: 25 3/4 inches long (7%), 16 lb 11.6 oz (15%). Here I thought she was getting so big, but she's still petite. It's funny because the other day someone asked her age and when I said 9 months, the lady said "oh, BIG baby." I think it was because Alaina was in shorts and the fat rolls on her things were quite evident.
(I should have taken the above picture before she got her hep b shot.)
Take home from our appointment: We need to work on movement.
We have been working on crawling and rolling, Alaina's just not into it yet. On Tuesday I put a pile of individually wrapped licorice in front of her to try to encourage movement (sidenote: she does not eat the licorice, she likes the crinkly sound from the wrappers).