Thursday, February 4, 2010


No snow shovels. They are sold out everywhere I checked which isn't super surprising since we're apparently getting a monster snow storm tomorrow. The most frustrating thing is that I saw shovels at Giant a couple weeks ago and inexplicably did not buy one. Argh! What was I thinking?!

Speaking of stupid people and big storms, I went to Costco with the girls this evening and it was a madhouse! I have always heard about how the people freak out and race to the stores right before storms, but this is my first time experiencing it myself. I want to note, however, that I was not there because of impending storm, so much as a need to do the usual fridge restocking after a week away.

Honestly, I'm kind of dreading this weekend. I anticipate being stuck at home for three days and am not sure how Drew will get home from the airport Sunday night. Lizzie, on the other hand, is over the moon about the school cancellation (I would be too if I was six).


DC Diva said...

This storm is going to be a doozy. They've ALREADY canceled church for us. Did you hear the temple is closing early today? And we still need to get to the grocery store...

Dave and Emily said...

good luck with the storm! i kinda wish it was hitting Utah, that would be sweet!
