Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 1 of The Storm

Well, we survived day one of the snow storm. Nothing exciting. Lots of t.v., computer games, and housework (despite my grand ideas of arts and crafts).

Pleasant moments: the girls played nicely together in the tub and their room, Alaina jabbered happily, Liz did her math homework without me, and ate dinner with minimal complaints. She pretended the peaches were candy, saying to herself, "I had these before and they were good. I like this candy." to psych herself up before the first bite (after a taste she said in surprise, "These do taste like candy!").
Unpleasant moments: Alaina inexplicably woke at 5:30 a.m. (instead of 7 as usual, ugh), then she fell asleep on the way to the gym so we had to abandon our only attempted outing. Later she woke me from my cat nap with a very hard head butt and peed on my favorite throw pillow. Good thing she is so adorable otherwise.
It's hard to believe that one week ago we were relaxing at Nana's house. One of my favorite moments there: Alaina took a trash can with her up the stairs, painstakingly moving it up a stair, then climbing up one, moving the can up a stair, climbing up one, and so on.

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