The storm is finally over! Hurray! I've heard several different numbers, but it sounds like we got roughly
23 inches. It's the 4
th biggest storm in the area's recorded history (bumping December's blizzard to #8). Now the digging begins. But not for us because Drew's flight was delayed an entire day.
Totally sucks.
Incidentally the weather guy pointed out that 7 of the 10 storms have been in February so I'm thinking February is not a good month Drew to take future ski trips.
Today wasn't too bad. Liz and I even ventured outside a bit during Lainey's nap to dump some garbage and survey the damage. Still, the vast majority of the day was spent inside.
Alaina threw a huge fit each time I tried to put her pants on. Finally, I thought why am forcing this if we're just sitting home today? So I gave in. Naturally she was excited to put on socks and slippers.

Yesterday Lizzie watched a lot of t.v. Today I tried to do better. We finally did our February calendar. Then we painted our toenails and made Valentine place mats.

Lizzie also decorated her Valentine box for school and addressed her Valentines (we neglected to purchase any last week so today we had to resort to homemade ones).
Mostly we did a lot of art.
Alaina loved it. And she made a huge mess.

She did pretty well with the markers so I let her try stamps.

It was significantly messier.

Oh, and
Alaina, the girl-who-
regularly-refused-to-take-a-bottle, saw me packing one away last night and wanted to try it. It's all she used today.

Before putting the girls to bed, we
Skyped with Drew. Notice
Alaina's cheeks. I simply could not remove all the ink.
Love the "rosie" cheeks! Sorry that Andrew is not there with you guys.
It hadn't occurred to me that Drew was still out of town! Oh no! If only you could have transported to our house where we could have done art projects and ate yummy food together. But I guess if a transporter worked then Drew would have been home. Oh well! Thank goodness we didn't lose power!
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