We finally made it home last night with the usual carload of what Drew
affectionately calls "crap." Now we just need him to come home and unload the big stuff.

Thanks again Mom for letting us stay with you, sewing for me, watching the girls so I could sleep in sometimes, telling Lizzie stories till she fell asleep at night, and carting us around for two extra days while our car was in the shop.

Of course it sounds like we got home just in time for a nasty storm. Now I just need to get
a hold of a
snow shovel . . .
Glad your car was fixed and you made it back saftly. I hear the area is in for another snow storm. A couple of days to play in the snow. Where is spring?
Good luck with the shovel...I was in Target today looking for a sled, but they don't have any sleds or shovels!
I miss your mom! When you talk to her again, tell her I said HI and that I miss her! What a wonderful, talented lady!
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