Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lizzie's 8th Birthday celebration(s)

Last weekend we held Lizzie's party at the Little Gym (cuz she won one in a drawing over the summer--hooray!). I loved it. The workers did everything. It was the first time we had ever had a party like that and while, the "free" party actually ended up costing what we normally spend (what with charges for extra kids, pizza, cake, and party favors), it was well worth it. We gave party hula hoops for party favors and as we handed them out two different moms told me that they almost gave Liz one for a birthday present. Andrew's really excited about getting his picture taken. You can tell because he's giving me the figga. He says it's the Russian version of sticking out your tongue. It just better not be their way of flipping someone off.At the gym the kids started with a warm up song. The workers really wore these kids out. I was surprised Liz had enough energy to participate since she had pretty much come straight to her party from her friend Catherine's swimming party. Poor Lainey was tired and a little overwhelmed by all the big kids, many of whom wanted to hug and help her. She was pretty much glued to Andrew's side.We had a pretty good turnout. Liz invited kids from church, school, her Brownie troop, and the neighborhood. She only invited one boy and he was a good sport about it.The kids got to try out the different gym equipment (even Ellie, in the background with helpers).It's funny that a month ago Liz wanted to change her party from Little Gym to a movie in our basement. I'm glad I didn't let her because she loved the gym (and because we would never be able to pay for the gym party outright).I'm so glad Alaina was able to participate and have fun as well.We got to request some activities/games. Having never been to a Little Gym party I just went with what they suggested. "Slap the Cheese" was a big hit. It consisted of the kids running full speed at this upheld mat and knocking it over/falling on top of it.Then, more time on the gym equipment.The second activity was an inflatable, bouncing, thing.The kids got to ride on it as it inflated.Then, they ran down it, two by two.Or just one at a time.This one looked like a lot of fun. I kind of wish I could have tried it.Happily, even though Alaina was afraid to "ride" on it as it inflated, she took her turn running and jumping.Afterwards the kids got to "ride" it down as it deflated. Naturally there was a mad dash for a spot.And the kids loved their deflation "ride."That air walk/run thing was the end of the gym. The kids formed a train and chanted a happy birthday song to Liz as they chugga chugged into the party room.The party room was great. We didn't have to do any set up. All I did was carry in a box of cake pops and hula hoops (as soon as the workers saw the latter they asked if they could attached balloons to them--yes, please).I love that Lizzie joined in singing Happy Birthay to herself.The cake pops were delicious and less messy than cupcakes (plus the kids ate the whole thing instead of just the tops like with cupcakes), but we could only fit three of Lizzie's eight candles on them. Liz didn't seem to mind.We opened Lizzie's presents at home. As with other years we didn't give her one and she didn't seem to notice (thanks to the pile from the party goers). The next morning (on her actual birthday) we made German pancakes as per Lizzie's request.Check out that dress. It's another from my childhood. Liz loved it and wore it to church. Andrew said she looked like a pioneer.After church we did an official family birthday cake.


Megan said...

Fun! Love the frilly pioneer dress :)

Julie Broadbent said...

Looks like a ton of fun! Happy Birthday Lizzie!
p.s. When I was in Russia we were told the figga was more of a flip-off... just saying.

Sarah said...

Where did you purchase the hula hoops? I am looking for a bargain to give them out as favors too. Thanks for your help!
