Thursday, September 22, 2011
More catching up
More catching up/updates:
I saved a few church dresses from my childhood, dresses that my mother made. Last weekend I pulled them out for Liz to see and she was very excited about them. She asked if she and her playdate, Kayla, could wear them and "pretend to be pioneers." I'm not that old kid! She also wore the dress to church the next day.
At church Elizabeth met with the Bishop for her pre-baptism interview. I went with her because she refused to go alone. Right before we went in, she nervously asked, "Baptism means rebirth, right?" I kept reassuring that the Bishop wouldn't be quizzing her. Still, she seemed proud when he asked her what baptism was and she was ready to answer.
Also on Sunday, Liz was assigned a talk for this coming Sunday (also her birthday). She was upset and wanted to know why this was happening to her. I explained that I had specifically asked the primary president the Sunday before to assign Liz a talk before the ward primary program (which so far Lizzie's refusing to participate in) so that Liz would get some more practice before she had to get up in front of the entire ward. Elizabeth was furious with me. She seemed to feel betrayed. It was all, You did this?!?! And on my birthday?!?! Though to be fair, I didn't expect it to happen on her birthday. We wrote a talk that night and so far I've had her read to us at least once a day. I think she'll do fine if she can just keep her nerves at bay.
I had 5 inches cut off my hair (and layers added). I had Drew take a "before picture," but later realized that I didn't have a memory card in the camera. When I pointed out my haircut to Liz she said, "It looks exactly the same." Happily Andrew noticed a difference.
I went to Lizzie's back to school night and was surprised that they only have 15 minutes of recess each day. 15 minutes! Doesn't seem like enough time. Otherwise things seem fine. I'm glad the school still has PE and art and music classes and Lizzie's teachers seem nice.
I'm getting more involved in the kid's activities. I've volunteered to be the PTA person in charge after school activities at Lizzie's school, I'm the treat mom for Lizzie's soccer team, I'm taking a carpool shift for Lizzie's Girl Scout troop (last year I was blissfully excempt because I had two napping babies), and next week I'll start teaching my first unit of Joy School for Lainey and her friends. I also offered to assist the troop leader (if I ever get around to doing the on-line training and if I figure out what to do with my little ones during the meetings).
I'm desperate to get my house all put together before company arrives next month (and Joy School moves to my house next week). I'm very worried that it won't happen (or I won't survive the process). So far we've hung pictures, some stars in Ellie's room, and I've almost finishing revamping the children's bedding. I folded their twin top sheets in half and sewed around edges so that they are half the size and fit much easier on the bunk beds. I'm also cutting Lizzie's feather blanket in half so that she and Lainey will both have one and it will fit better on their beds.
After church last Sunday Lainey spent some time dancing on the porch. She had fun on her own, but was really excited when her sisters joined her. Like any siblings my girls have daily fights and daily love fests which I love. I also love that Lizzie can be so helpful with her sisters. Last Sunday, after she was ready and Drew and I were still in bed, Liz got Lainey ready for church (even did Alaina's hair and had her bush her teeth). Nice.
Um, Ellie is topless in the following pictures because I she drooled her bright blue sucker all over her light pink dress at church and I took it off the pre-spray it.
I had given all the lollipops right before Andrew and I were set apart for our callings so the girlies would keep quiet. It worked. Current callings: Primary Teacher (me) and Sunday School presidency (Drew). Last Sunday I actually got to skip primary because only one of my kids showed up and the primary pres just combined him with another class. It was SO nice to go to Sunday School and Relief Society. I probably paid more attention to those lessons than I used to because it felt like such a treat to be listening to them.
Drew's started up volleyball again and I've joined a couple more book clubs (so that's three total, but I'm not sure I'll stick with all of them). Between our activities and Lizzie's twice-a-week soccer practices our evenings are pretty crazy. Things are about to get a little crazier though because I just signed up Liz for after-school chess club (her decision) and girls basketball (our choice and Liz is very upset about it).
Ellie updates: call's Drew "Da," loves to feed herself yogurt (and rub it in her hair of course), tries to jump and dance with her sisters, say "no" for no and "naeh" for yes (or yeah?), and is really good about getting her face wet. Yesterday I actually had to pull her out of the stream of water so I could start washing her.
Part of our basement flooded during the awful rain storms. As near as I can tell we cleaned up the water appropriately and I almost have the room put back together.
Alaina found a Barney toy that I was in my consigning pile and has become very attached to it. Ugh. She has never even seen an episode of Barney, but she loves that big dumb dinosaur and carries to everywhere with her now. I hate it when the kids find toys or clothes that I'm about to get rid of and they fall in love with the junk all over again. Lizzie did the same thing with a nightgown. Removed the consignment tag, put it on, and cried when I explained that it was too small and we were getting ride of it.
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1 comment:
Whoa! You are one busy lady! How are we ever going to see each other with your schedule? Longwood or BUST! I love your old 'pioneer' dress and those dancing girls of yours? The best.
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