Thursday, May 30, 2013

3 year old Ellie Update

Her stats:
height 37" (50%)
Weight 34 lbs 8 oz (83%)

She picks at her lip, likes to dance and sing, is very cuddly, is unpredictable (hates pink and flowers one minute, insists on wearing them the next), has virtually no volume control for her voice, her favorite colors seem to be yellow and orange, she likes to terrorize/taunt her sisters (especially Lainey), and constantly amuses us with the stuff she says. 

She likes to go on the slide at the pool after swim class and always says the same thing:
Elle - Ready to catch me?
Me - Yes.
Elle - If you say so!
 Along with her glasses Ellie has to wear an eye patch for a couple hours every day.  These patches are not expensive (50 for $20), but they are not free either and she is not at all careful with them.  I have frequently find them stuck to her toys, cereal containesr, the table, and her dresser.  Awesome.
Ellie regularly wears her shoes on the wrong feet, socks with sandals, and unmatched pairs of socks and/or shoes.
Ellie's eye doc wears a sticker on his forehead while he examines her eyes.  Sometimes after her appointments she does the same.

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