Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's a . . .

. . . GIRL! We had our sonogram today, and as far as they told us everything looks alright so that it a relief for now. I'm glad to know what we are expecting so we can start thinking of names (we have always waited till after the sono). My plan is to plow through a couple baby name books on our way to Florida. As you can imagine I'm looking forward to it, Drew is not.

As far as wanting a girl or a boy, Andrew didn't have a preference (and hasn't during any pregnancy). I kept saying, that I didn't care what it was as long as it was alive, but I had been thinking of the pros and cons of either. A boy would have been nice because my sister and sister-in-law are both having boys in August, plus then we would have "one of each" (living that is). Still, I thought a girl would be preferable because of the age gap between Lizzie and the potential sibling (not to mention the school situation with another September baby). I also didn't want this child to feel like a replacement for Jacob (or hear anyone suggesting this) and I feel like that will be less likely because it is not the same sex. As for same-sex cousins, Drew's sister had a baby girl last month.

I was going to wait to tell Lizzie the sex later tonight when Andrew could also be present for her reaction (she threw a spectacular tantrum last time), but it didn't quite work out that way. I was visiting with another mother as we lingered on the grass after school, when Lizzie came running up to me and asked "Mommy, does the baby have a penis or a bottom?" I told her it had a vagina. She said "A bagina! That means it's a girl. I'm going to have a sister."


Ryann said...

Again-I am so so happy for you. More relieved than anything else that everything looks good. Keep the good news coming!

And two girls are a good thing!

Brooke said...

Congrats, that's wonderful news! We're so excited for all of you. Bring on the abundance of bows and frills!

Rich and Luz Stearns said...

OMG - that's amazing! I totally suspected a girl, but you never know with those superstitions. Well, I love the story about Lizzie. I'm so happy for you guys :) Woo-hoo! P.S. Feel free to use the name Luz. I won't mind. It's such a beautiful name I would totally understand if you want to use it ;) Hugs,

Codi said...

Congrats! I love girls... having two of my own and five sisters, I don't know any different. Have fun picking the name. Also have a great time in Florida.

Chanda said...

Yea! A girl! Glad your little baby is healthy. Can't wait to become reacquainted with Lizzie and her big personality. See you next month!

DC Diva said...

Congrats, congrats!! That's wonderful. We're really excited for you guys.

cameron said...



Lea said...

Congrats! We're going to have to make some bows for the little sweetie, better yet matching bows for Lizzie and the new baby.

Glad to hear that everything looks good.

rachael said...

I am so glad to hear that the little one is healthy!!! And I'm very excited for you that it's a girl. Having same sex babies is so fun!! And making them wear matching outfits is AWESOME!!!

I can't wait to hear about all the names you come up with on your trip to Florida. Knowing you, you'll have a list of top 50favorite're so cute!!!

Have fun in Florida!!

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...


Michelle Earnest said...

Congratulations, someone for Lizzie to play dress up with..or just dress up.
