Monday, May 5, 2008


Lizzie loves to pray and I love to listen to her. She is so innocent and sincere. Tonight she said an entire special prayer about a caterpillar her friend stepped on at the park earlier today (it was "hurt, but not killed"). She pretty much wanted the bug healed and protected. Later during her official "personal prayer" Liz told Heavenly Father that we are happy "Daddy's bum feels better" (he broke his tailbone in February). She also said that we are happy "mommy has a baby her in tummy and we don't know if the baby will stay alive, but we hope the baby will." So innocent and sincere.

Other updates on Liz:

She had a really fun day bike riding at Clemyjontri today. We spent a few hours there and I could tell she improved (or at least became more confident). Lizzie also fell a couple time and subsequently asked for knee and elbow pads. I need to get on that. Speaking of protecting my child, I neglected to put sunscreen on either of us. I got burned, Liz did not. Incidentally, Andrew got a sunburn at a golf tournament over the weekend and I kind of gave him a hard time about it (I feel lame about that now). Over the weekend, while playing with a friend Liz got a rope burn. Apparently she was pretending to be a dog and had a jump rope around her neck (the leash). It wasn't on for long, but before her friend's mom could intervene she managed to injure herself. It looks worse than it is (better picture to follow).
Lizzie is finally coming out of her room in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom instead of incoherently screaming from her bed that she is hungry or wants to go home. I feel like we are making such progress!

While I'm at it, here's a fun update on Andrew:

His golf team came in second at the Deloitte Gold tournament this past weekend. They originally tied for first, but lost on the tie-breaker hole meaning Drew almost came home with a Wii. Instead he got a Ipod Nano which he has passed on to me. My own Ipod! Hurray! Thanks Andrew and CONGRATULATIONS!

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