Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lainey Update

I took Alaina to the doctor last Friday morning at 6 a.m. I always thought they were crazy to have such early walk-in hours. Who goes there so early, I wondered. But when we were giving Lainey a luke warm bath at 3 a.m., in an effort to bring down a particularly stubborn fever, it was nice to know I only had to wait three hours until I raced to the doctor's office. Turns out she had some virus related to foot and mouth disease . . . not serious, nothing to do but wait it out (and in the end the waiting wasn't long). The exciting thing for me was to find out her current weight (much more accurate than when I stand on the scale with, then without her).
She weights 17 pounds, 1.5 ounces.

Other tidbits about Alaina at 10, almost 11 months old:

She likes to nod at people and have them nod back (she's not much into waving).

She is still not crawling (she rotates in circles, lunges, and scoots a bit).

She still eats everything we put in front of her.

She says "na na" when she is upset.

She likes to ride on shoulders (squeals with laughter whereas Lizzie cried).


Ryann said...

I babysat a baby Friday night about the same age as Lainey. really wish it would have been Lainey! But he couldn't crawl either but did a man grab and pulled himself forward. It was funny. And she is such a cutie!

Jessica said...

I'm sorry about the fever--those are so scary. I hope she is recovered. She has the best smiles!

Julie Broadbent said...

Poor kid. Trey had the hand-foot-mouth thing a couple years ago too. Not fun! Hopefully Lainey recovers quickly. Good luck.

Codi said...

That picture of her just kills me. It is so dang cute. I just love her little personality.

rachael said...

I hate fevers! You never know if it's something serious or not. I hope that she's feeling better already.
