Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Settling in for summer . . .

Even though yesterday was the beginning of Lizzie's third week of summer vacation, I feel like it was my first real day of summer break (as in having my kid home from school all day) because the previous two weeks were eaten up with Vacation Bible School and visits to family. I'm not sure what we'll do the rest of the summer other than swim lessons, but here's a little of what we did WEEK ONE:

Picnics and park time (the weather was fabulous).

Vacation Bible School (the theme was Australia)

Lizzie let me put her hair in hot rollers (for the first time ever) as long as she was could "do Lainey's hair."

The usual evening playtime with Daddy (or as Liz says "my bestest Daddy").

Liz finally wore the flower clips I made her when she saw that Alaina was wearing one (and we took Drew out for some pre-father's day barbecue). We celebrated Father's Day with crepes for breakfast, meatballs for dinner, presents, cards, and compliments.

Alaina continued to avoid crawling, standing, and feeding herself.

Liz had her very first dance recital! (Video footage pending)


Ryann said...

I love that first pic of you and Lainey. You look so completely in love with that little girl-it's precious!

Ben said...

Hey Jill, do you have an email I can send you my address? Don't want to post it on the internet :)

Also, great pics!
