Friday, July 10, 2009

South Carolina & Georgia

I spent last week in South Carolina and Georgia visiting family. It was my first time in Georgia so I got to check it off my state list (only 27 to go!). Here's the lowdown on our trip:

Sunday - drive forever. The kids behaved wonderfully. Liz listened to Pippi Longstocking and seemed to like it. Afterwards I said, "That was a silly story wasn't it?" And she said that it was definitely NOT SILLY because sometimes Pippi did not do what she was supposed to and was orphaned and children were chased by a bull and stuck in a burning building and so on. . . . Despite this, she has wanted to listen to it non-stop since then (I think we are on our 8th time through).

Monday - my mother and I started a new quilt for Lizzie's bed. And we discovered (and caught and disposed of) a mouse in the basement and probably completely traumatized Liz in the process because at one point we were all standing on the couch screaming and I had to pry my mother's arms off Lizzie and Liz was screaming "I want my daddy!" over and over. Later that night I drove to Georgia to visit my brother, Scott's family.

Tuesday - went to a fabulous Six Flags waterpark. The girls had fun, but they seemed to enjoy playing in the bushes at lunch almost as much as the water slides. When they had a five minute warning they chose to spend their last precious moments of park time in the bushes instead of the slides.

Wednesday - Liz, Iris, and I went to the Georgia Aquarium, the biggest in the world. It was amazing. My favorites were the jellyfish, beluga whales, and dragon fish. Liz loved the whale sharks. That evening we went to a laser and firework (and pyrotechnics) display at Stone Mountain Park. Everyone loved it but Willa and Lizzie. Liz was completely freaked out whenever there were fireworks or pillars or fire shooting out of the ground.

Thursday - drove back to South Carolina with my girls and Iris. Pool time. Sewing. Playing. Andrew and Iris' parents arrive in the evening.

Friday - We celebrated Mom's birthday. First, Mom, Codi, and I went to a tea house. It was super cute, the food was fabulously girly, we got to pick out our own tea cups, and they even had gaudy hats for us to wear. When we got home we had cake with the family and that night Drew made us a delicious feast of Chinese food.

Saturday - Lots of pool time. Drew barbecued for us, Liz freaked when we lit off some fireworks but she slowly warmed up to sparklers so it felt like a small step forward.

Sunday - Mom finished Alaina's baby blanket. So cute. Drive home. Liz was with Drew so I didn't have to listen to Pippi.


Jones said...

I love the quilt(s)! Looks like you guys had a great time. I wish they had restaurants with tea hats around here!

Julie Broadbent said...

LOVE the hats!

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

Love the pictures! Looks like a ton of fun. I want to see the quilt in person!

rachael said...

You are so busy. I feel like we barely leave the house.

DC Diva said...

Love the quilts and love the hat. What a fun way to celebrate Marilyn's b-day.

And love all the pics of fam. :)

Candice said...

What an adorable quilt!

I have been to the Stone Mountain show! I thought it was amazing.

Lea said...

Love the quilts and fun hats! Looks like you had a great trip! Hope to see you soon so we can catch up. :)

Ryann said...

Love the quilts. And you all did them so quickly! Totally jealous of that!

Jill said...

Oh, I didn't do them at all. My Mom did all the cutting and sewing. I just handed her stuff. For Lizzie's quilt I poached squares that my mother had already cut out for another project and Alaina's quilt was started way back when I was pregnant. We just finished it is all.
