Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snowed In

The UNPLEASANT part of last weekend's snowstorm: digging our car out with a broom, dustpan, and borrowed garden shovel.
The PLEASANT part of last weekend's snowstorm: playing in the snow together.
I loved seeing the girls all bundled up. Unfortunately Laina didn't have snowpants and still doesn't because the four stores I have checked were out. Anyway, she seemed fine being outside until I set her down to take a picture and she did a face plant in the snow. Laines did a few more face plants (inside) before she got used to the boots. Unfortunately the face plants were all technically on my watch. It was Lizzie's first time sledding and she LOVED it. We didn't have a sled (still don't--all the stores are out) so Liz used a cookie sheet. It worked well.
It was also the first time Liz made a snowman. She enjoyed the the snowballs, snow angels, and snowman, but sledding was still her favorite.


Codi said...

So much fun! I love being snowed in!

Jessica said...

It was a wonderful snowfall! What is up with stores not having sleds, snow pants, snow shoes, or proper gloves for little kids? Annoying!

Marcy said...

I never would've thought to use a cookie sheet! That was brilliant! I'm glad you were able to have so much fun with it!
