Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow. Again.

Andrew got home by almost midnight Monday, just in time for the next big snowfall on Tuesday night and all day Wednesday. It was also just in time to drive me around Tuesday. It was SO nice to get out after four days at home. We met friends for lunch, had the girls pictures taken, and picked up more grociers. Our fabulous lunch friends, the Pomeroys, also brought us a much-needed shovel. A thousand thank yous to Dan and Sharon. Also, thanks to anyone who graciously offered to bring me milk. Andrew's office is closed all week (because the government is closed all week), but he still has to work from home. When he told me this I thought he would be "working" from home (as in lounging around with us and playing in the snow). Nope, he's actually working. Bum deal.
Drew missed the big dig out from the weekend storm, but he put in his time last night digging out our van and two adjacent cars, and helping a neighbor dig out his empty parking space that other neighbors (and mother nature) had dumped snow in while the poor guy was at work all day.
Andrew did all the heavy lifting, but I scrapped snow off the van windows with a dust pan and pushed snow off the roof with a broom until my sweet husband pushed some on me with his shovel because he noticed I was "going about it inefficiently." Ha. Ha.
While we were outside, Alaina had a (very) late nap and Liz played in the snow (sliding, digging, painting it blue with a spray bottle and food coloring).But mostly she wanted to "help Daddy" so she took turns with the dustpan and broom, until the wind became to much for her. It was VERY windy.
Cleared road and snow flurries.
These pictures don't adequately show how rosie (a.k.a. windburned) Lizzie's cheeks were when we finally went inside.The power went out briefly while we were digging out the van. It went out again shortly after we came inside for good close to 8 p.m. Dominion Power reported that it would probably be back on by 1 a.m. so we gathered all the flash lights in the house, bundled up the girls, and snuggled in our bed with some books. We were pretty surprised when our power resumed shortly before 10 p.m. Go Dominion Power! By then Liz the girls were asleep. Andrew and I were watching movies on the laptop and already eating the box of chocolates we had had bought to exchange on Valentines Day. Not a bad night.


DC Diva said...

Makes all the difference in the world when Dad's home w/ you right?

Glad Andrew is back safe!

Chanda said...

I am SO GLAD I am here and not there! Craziness.
