Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowed in Sunday

I was feeling pretty sorry for myself this morning so when the girls woke up I gave them each a bowl of dry cereal, showed Liz where the rest of the cereal was, turned on cartoons, and went back to bed. Lame, I know, and I totally paid for it later because when I did get up the front room was carpeted with Cinnamon Toast Crunch. When I finally hit my indoor limit (and Alaina pretty much refused to take a nap) we suited up and headed outdoors. To Panera.
Liz was excited to be out in the snow. Alaina pretty much hated it.
I thought she'd walk at least part of the way, but every time I set her down she'd scream and reach for me until I gave in and picked her up. So much for my plan to bring a gallon of milk home from a nearby gas station.
After lunch, a couple of kind souls (a family friend and our home teacher) came over to dig out the van. I'm SO grateful. Liz is sitting on the resulting pile of snow.
The snow mountain (that once covered and surrounded our van) quickly became a magnet for the neighborhood kids. Liz loved it. One minute she was whining about how her feet were cold and she wanted to go in, then other kids arrived, and suddenly she wasn't cold anymore. They climbed the mountain, had snowball fights, and slid on the ice in an adjacent vacated parking spot.
When I finally called Liz in, we did art. Alaina's art started out pretty contained.Then things got progressively messier.
When I stopped doling out paper, Laines finger painted on her tray. Liz helped.
I'm looking forward to a spa day when Drew returns.


Jessica said...

Oh Jill! You definitely deserve a spa day for surviving the weekend alone! Well done keeping the girls entertained.

Carrie said...

So sorry about the snow storm and being without Andrew for the weekend. I enjoyed the extra time I had to visit with him but you deserve a medal for your perseverance.

Jones said...

Do you need us to get you some milk? Trev is a pro at driving in snow and we're all dug out. Let me know if we can help!
