Monday, March 29, 2010

The trip so far . . .

I drove to South Carolina yesterday to see my mom. It wasn't exactly a last minute trip. I had been considering it for weeks, but I finally made the decision Saturday night. The trip down yesterday went well until just before my mom's exit when Alaina threw up all over herself. Nasty Chicken McNugget chunks everywhere. Yuck. She did it again around midnight which precipitated another round of laundry, baths, and teeth brushing. Poor baby.

Today she's been fine, and I've felt a little bit better (I have had a nasty cold), so I have actually been able to work on some projects (meaning my mother is sewing for me while I iron).


Dan and Sharon said...

sorry to hear about the vomit, but glad you can get some projects done. I should hire you to iron while I sew. Have fun this week.

Ryann said...

It is awful when you have a sick child in the car. Hope you got the car smelling fresh again! Enjoy the visit!

M & J Bowerbank said...

Oh no! Hopefully you will have a wonderful time down there. I hope Alaina gets better, and you too!
