Wednesday afternoon has become
ice cream time for us (we have to kill some time before Lizzie's art class).
Alaina got
ice cream everywhere--even her ear.

Lizzie ate half her cone then noticed some blood in it (from her super lose tooth) and refused to eat any more.

The tooth finally fell out during dinner. It had been hanging by a thread for a couple days. So, that's four teeth in basically one month.
The hours I have spent in bed with my children reading to do the same with my grandchildren...I can't think of anywhere else I would rather be...not even a new quilt store measures up. Alaina looks to innocent to do the mischievous escapades that you speak of. Just look in those blue eyes and you melt.
I love Lizzie's new smile! We are still waiting for Seth to lose his other front top tooth so he's not gap-toothed.
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