Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Birthday

I had a very nice birthday this year: pancake breakfast, lunch with Sharon, lots of well wishes from family and friends, dinner at Guapos, fancy new camera from Drew, day trip to Longwood Gardens, cake at home, and a day of no diaper changing. Quite nice. I thought it was pretty nice of the Guapo guys to bring a sombrero for Lizzie when they sang to me.
Alaina wanted to wear a hat too so I passed her mine. She's been very aware of when she is left out lately. She had a hard time in the restaurant lobby when she saw Drew, Lizzie, and I chewing gumballs that she couldn't have. It was actually Lizzie's first time chewing gum. She kept it in her mouth maybe two minutes before spitting it out.


Chanda said...

Happy birthday Jill! Guapo's sounds REALLY GOOD right now. :)

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday!
