Alaina hit her 20 months old mark.

Not really a highlight, but it happened: I got my first speeding ticket ever. A traffic cam caught me going 12 over on the freeway.
Liz enjoyed another dance class with these cute girls:

Check out how little Liz is next to her dance friends. Granted, two of them are a year older than her, but still she's a shorty.

I enjoyed a mother's day pedicure and a furniture window-shopping date with Drew.
The girls enjoyed a birthday party in the Lee Rec Center soft play room. Actually,
Alaina almost missed it because she was napping (with Drew on a bench). No pictures of Liz because she didn't hold still long enough.
Andrew spoke in church. He did a wonderful job. And speaking of Andrew doing a good job, about a month ago he sang a solo in church (for the first time ever). He only had a few days notice which I think made his willingness to perform even more impressive.
I have been meaning to tell Andrew how much I enjoyed his talk on Mother's Day. Great job. Its not an easy day to speak.
Jill and Andrew:
you have a beautiful family
Uncle Frank
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