We survived another pediatric dental visit. No picture of
Alaina because I had to sit in the chair with her.

FINALLY let me put her hair in pigtails. I've been asking her to let me do this for ages and she always turned me down until one of her school friends asked her to wear her hair in pigtails because it would look "so cute."

We've enjoyed the occasional chilly weather. I feel like every day of cooler temperature is a blessing for me. It's been good for the girls too because I'm more willing to take them outside.

I survived a non-stress test and sonogram with
Alaina in tow. Not something I want to do a lot, but now I know it's possible.
I needed to remove a
bandaid from Lizzie's arm so I asked her if she wanted me to do it fast or slow. She said slow. I ripped it off fast and as she ran screaming from the room Drew said, "Jill, that's the sort of thing kids remember till their adults."
I love Andrew-he says the funniest things. But she will definitely remember it the next time she has a band aid!!
Congrats on surviving the dentist. Everytime I take Max I grimmace because we keep finding one abnormality after another. Your kids are so grown up! My life slows down after June 6th - can we get together then?
Liz has grown up so much...she is beautiful! I love the picture in the dentist chair!
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