Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Yesterday afternoon when I went to pick up Liz from her Brownie troop field trip to Nalls I decided to linger a little. The girls had fun playing with pumpkins and I liked that they were exhausting themselves.

We had fun, but it didn't end well. Lizzie misplaced her free pumpkin and started to pout about it. I put her in time out during which she managed to break a pumpkin. Not cool. Instead of hauling a pumpkin home to carve, we bought a broken one and left it behind.

Next stop was the grocery store. Sometimes my kids are wonderful little angels when I run errands. Often they are not. I don't think there was ever a moment when someone was not crying or fighting. I couldn't wait to get home.

Drew called just as I walked in the door carrying Ellie and seven bags of groceries. He promised to take the girls off my hands when he got home. When he walked in an hour later the girls were just getting out of the tub.

Liz ran to Andrew and absolutely gushed as she said, "Daddy! Daddy! Guess what? Mommy said that when she has a breakdown then you'll take us to dinner so she can have a break and guess what?! Mommy's having a breakdown!!!" She said the last sentance in exactly the same way she would say, "Guess what?! We're going to Disney Land!"

Pre "Breakdown" photos: Alaina was very drawn to the Mexican Hat pumpkins:
She also enjoyed exploring the tunnels:
Liz really enjoyed playing with her fellow Brownies:
Again, laina was really, really into the Mexican hat pumpkins and got upset if the other kids looked at them wrong:
Cart ride, even cooler than the preceeding wagon rides:
The standard pumpkin shot, though with poor sun planning on my part:
Somehow I didn't get a pumpkin shot of Alaina--a total middle child moment.
Yeah, she wore her pajamas all day:


Megan said...

oh my goodness, that part about Lizzie gushing "mommy's having a breakdown!" is hilarious! lol! And the pic of Alaina protecting her mexican hat pumpkin - too funny. If it makes you feel any better we had a bad evening too, resulting in someone being grounded for most of yesterday afternoon.

Jessica said...

Those days are the worst and then Drew was an hour late! Ugh. We went to Nalls a few weeks ago but the decorations were TOO SCARY for Soren so we didn't stay long.
