Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Here's another update:

I have misplaced my cell phone and license somewhere in my home. The phone's only been missing for a day, the license is another story. Not surprisingly, Andrew is annoyed. Frankly, I'm also annoyed with myself this time around. .. Also, I have only four boxes left to unpack (but some piles of junk still on the floor) and I have yet to find my silverware. I have partially unpacked all four of the boxes and I don't think my utensils are in there. So random. Not sure where they could be except perhaps the Salvation Army. I managed to accidently donate both our toasters there last week so we're back to using our toaster oven which I think will probably be better in the long run. It seems kind of silly to have appliances that perform only one task with only a few varieties of food when space is at such a premium in townhomes.

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