Thursday, May 8, 2008

Little Ears

Sometimes I forget that Lizzie is always listening. This morning I was daydreaming in the car when Lizzie suddenly asked "Who is that lady?"
"What lady?"
"That lady in the story. The one who won't 'take it all off.'"
Argh! I had been so distracted that I hadn't even realized the radio was on. Who knows what she had overheard the disc jockeys saying.

Sometimes I feel so inadequate and a little frustrated when I try to explain things to Liz. Certainly there are things I don't want to explain yet like how babies get in mommies tummies (I've already had to explain how they come out). There are also concepts that she has asked about that I wish she hadn't been exposed to yet like why some daddies are not allowed to see their families and the uncertainty of procreation.

Other times there are words that I just can't seem to define to her (or my) satisfaction. This week Lizzie has asked me to explain comets, bombs, and famines. I told her about how bombs blow up and cause a fires. She wanted to know how "the people got away from the bombs." I said, "Well Sweetie, some don't." Despite this, I thought I did alright explaining, defining, and mitigating her concerns, but last night she prayed that a comet would not come down to earth because she doesn't want to "dieded." Also, earlier in the day she asked if I had extra food in case of a famine (we have been listening to the "Joseph" soundtrack).


Chanda said...

Yikes! Tell that girl to stop worrying her pretty little head. :)

Ryann said...

So funny. I loved the dieded! And I think it is great that she is so curious. You are doing a great job and are far from inadequate!

Rebecca said...

My friend's son is Lizzie's age and he is having the same problems - he wakes up at night terrified he is going to die because the sun is going to explode.

I'm sorry if my divorce is one of the things that is hard to explain to Lizzie... At least you don't have to see us very often.
