Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween winds down

We're just about ready to move on to the next holiday, but today we enjoyed a bit more Halloween fun. This morning we got up early and had breakfast at IHOP before school/work (because they were handing out free "scary face pancakes" for the kiddos).

After school we prepped for our new ward's Trunk or Treat. The girls and I made spiderweb and mummy faced mini pizzas. Then the girls got suited up. Liz decided at the last minute that she wanted to be witch instead of a butterfly which means that she has yet to wear the costume that we purchased (and she agreed to) this year.
Then it was on to the trunk-or-treat.
Costume parade (my girls ate their cake-walk cupcakes while they paraded)
Gabrielle never made it into her costume
The actual candy collecting:
At home we sorted through the candy bags. I told Liz to pick out her favorites and then give the rest to me in exchange for a surprise. I was pleasantly surprised by both how small her keep pile was and how excited she was about the books I gave her.
Gabby. She has found her hands and it's super cute.
She's loving hugs and tickles and kisses. This was taken right after Andrew smooched her cheek.
Yeah, she was grumpy, but I wanted a shot of her festive leg warmers.

Not much seasonal stuff left to do: a couple more get togethers tomorrow and maybe we'll finally get around to carving a pumpkin in the evening. Yesterday we finally got around to our acorns. We had collected them two weeks ago, I painted them orange last week, and then yesterday we started to drwaw jack-o-lantern faces on them only to find that some of them had hatched bugs (some sort of white, wriggly, grub-like thing). Gross.


Michelle Earnest said...

I love your idea about having Lizzie trade you her candy for books! What a smart it's a win/win for you and Drew. :)

Sarah said...

Love the mummy pizzas. What a cute idea!
