Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Feelin better . . . pretty much

So, we survived nearly a week of illness. Andrew & I are done with our meds and we feel better (except for the lack of sleep). No more migraines, no more cold chills and body aches, no more laying on the couch begging Lizzie to bring us diapers for the babies because it was just too hard/painful to get up. Oh, and next year we'll definitely get our flu shots instead of skipping it like this year.

We had an intense day when then girls all spiked really high fevers and we had to keep the ib profen following pretty regularly, but after that the kiddos seemed to steadily improve. Lizzie feels better and is back at school, or would be if today wasn't a completely unnecessary "snow day." The babies are still a bit sick but it's manageable. No more projectile mucous-spitup mixture from Ellie. Whew.

We had a lot of days at home while we were all sick. The first few days the kids were lethargic and spent most of the day napping and watching t.v. When their health began to improve we had to find ways to keep them busy:

Kitchen Drums A Christmas package from Aunt Cindy came at just the right time.
Liz decorated a gingerbread house from the post Christmas clearance. $1 and worth every penny.
The day the kids started getting sick my friend, Trish, called and said she wanted to get rid of her kid's zhu zhu pet home. Did we want it? Yes, please.
The loved playing with/fighting over this.
We also colored and turned these recyclables . . .
. . . into a V'day garland. It wasn't to everyone's taste so we also made a one with patterned paper.
Lizzie made a fort.
Ah, I'm glad it's pretty much over. We knew we wouldn't feel like cooking much so we bought a bunch of pizza at Costco. It'll be a long time before I crave another slice. Last night my VT, Michelle, surprised me with scrumptious homemade soup. It was so, so good. Creamy, lots of dill. I love, love, love dill. Yum. I had it for dinner last night and breakfast this morning.

1 comment:

Ryann said...

I"m glad to see that you are better! I was going to call you but didn't want to interrupt a potential nap:)
