Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Eve

Last weekend was the first time (as far as I can remember) that I have ever "gone away" for New Years Eve. It was also the first time Lizzie has really celebrated the holiday. She kept asking why there was a party and didn't seem to understand no matter how many times we explained it. We went to the party at Liberty Mt. ski resort. Sound familiar? It's where Drew's doing ski patrol.
The whole thing was free. Love it. Free entertainment and free New Years party gear: hats, crowns, beads, noisemakers.
We enjoyed a couple magic shows.
The girls got balloon animals from the "balloon artist."
The balloon guy was making some seriously elaborate (and large) creations. The girl right in front of us got a multi-balloon, multi-color crown and septer. When it was Lizzie's turn she asked for a black cat.
The girls lasted longer than I thought they would. We never expected to make it to the fireworks at midnight, but I was surprised that we didn't need to leave till 10:30. That's about when karaoke started so I was glad to go.
In between magic shows the DJ played dance music. The girls, especially Alaina, danced a lot. I jokingly told Drew, "Now I know she's my daughter" (he said the same thing about Liz when she was excited about skiing her first time).

1 comment:

Ranell said...

Hi Jill & Drew, I read your blog all the time, just not that great at commenting! I love it, I feel like I'm your neighbor and I get to see you all the time instead of living across the country. I need to do better at writing on my blog!

Hey, I have a good friend moving to the D.C. area in June 2011. Her husband is doing his residency there, they have 5 kids. They are looking for recommendations on good, fairly cheap places to live in the area. Any ideas, or suggestions of who they could talk to? Email me if you get a chance and I'll pass it on to them!

Take care, and happy new year!
