Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Back in Town

I just got back in town Sunday evening after a week in Myrtle beach with my side of the family. It was lovely. It's sure been hard to get back into the swing of things. I haven't even finished unpacking yet, and I certainly haven't stocked up on any groceries so the we're making do with whatever didn't go bad in the fridge while we were gone (hotdogs and eggs--not together).

Ahhh, it sure was nice to have some time "away from it all." My phone died on the drive down to the beach and then I managed to misplace it while we unloaded our stuff so I was pretty much out of touch for over a week which was kind of nice.

Now I'm home with a stack mail to sort through, one hundred+ emails to wade through (most of them junk mail), laundry and dishes and whatnot and I wish I could go back to the surf and sand.

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